Islam is also a social, economic, and political way of life. Every single aspect of human existence is governed by the law of Islam. A Muslim is commanded to respect his elders and to show humility and respect to his parents. He is also commanded to show kindness and mercy to those who are younger or weaker than himself as well as all of God's beasts.
A Muslim is commanded to have nothing whatsoever to do with usury, gambling, or alcohol. A Muslim, however, is not passive and weak. He is commanded that if he sees the laws of God being violated or an injustice being committed, he must stand up for the truth and fight to establish the law of God, defend the oppressed, and establish justice and peace.
سجل علشان نبعتلك اخر المواضيع
الصق لوجو المدونة عندك
اشكال بديلة اخرى من
قيم هذا الموضوع
لو عجبك الموضوع انشره على الفيس بوك او اى من المواقع الاخرى
اكتب تعليقك
مواضيع اخرى قد تهمك
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