The religion of the forgiving nature.
The religion of the mind and the logic.
The religion of the present life and the afterlife.
The religion of the truth and peace.
The religion of the democracy and the sociological justice.
The religion of the union,the cooperation and the sociological solidarity.
The religion of the freedom,brotherhood and the equality between the stocks
or races,no separate between the white and the black, all people are equal like the teeth of the comb.
The religion of the mercy,humanity,sympathy, compassion and pity.
The religion of the pardon and forgiveness.
The religion of the sentimental sharing.
The religion of the charity,the honesty and the faithfulness.
The religion of the morals,good manners,politeness and the perfect decencies.
The religion of all the eras and the environments.
The religion of the future.
The religion of the God Who is the One,the Everlasting Refuge. He begot not nor was He begotten,and there is none comparable to Him.So....
(I love Islam)
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