
How Top Bloggers Earn Money

مرسلة بواسطة بقايا انسان ميت الأحد، 1 فبراير 2009 0 التعليقات

you cant imagine how they are doing this, they think about every thing, they are doing any thing, things doesnt come across our minds that it can give visitors to your website, they can earn from viewing cat pictures and videos to tech news and politics, or just telling funny stories.
Some bloggers start their sites intending to make big profits from NOTHING.

Earn with Fun

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Earning from your own Blog can be so easy and full of fun, do you know why, because you can do or write what ever you want and what ever you like, its really so funny to do the thing you like at the same time you earn money.

You are just a few steps away from earning money doing what you like to do, now let see those simple steps:

1- Create a blog:
Simply go to http://www.blogger.com/ and follow the steps to create your blog.
2- Start posting articles:
it's not just copy and paste from other articles, write by your own, write what comes across your mind, your ideas, write about any thing you like or any thing your good at doing it. (do not copy articles without declaring the source).
3- Keep posting regularly: you should give your readres somthing new every time they go to your blog, DO NOT STOP POSTING.
4- Start adsense program:
I bet by this simple task you make more than 100$ monthly, I understand its a small amount but its worth in proportion of the time you spent & fun you have posting something you would love to talk about.

*now watch this movie to see how it simple to begin working

*in this video you will learn good advises on how to optimize your blog with google Adsense

Earn Extra Income by Blogging

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You can earn quite a substantial amount of extra cash through blogging. Blogs provide you with a very wide scope of earning extra cash. Once you have blog and it succeeds to get off the ground you are off to success. Two, if your blog manages to gain readership, then you are about to make a kill. These two will make your blog such a profitable online venture for you. There are two ways of earning cash through your blog and both are easy.

•Google Ad-sense is the easiest way to earn revenue from your blog. Google ad-sense is a Google adverts program. Google displays its ads on your blog and you earn revenue from relevant clicks on these ads. Google pays you for each relevant click on your blog. You should note that you adhere to the terms and conditions of this program.

•Affiliate programs are also an increasing source of revenue. You can choose six well paying companies and place you affiliate link code on your blog. If your followers and other blog visitors click and subscribe to the service, you earn a commission. Some bloggers are earning more than $2000 in a month from affiliate programs.

Read the complete Aeticle from Source
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Bissel

Can Anyone Legitimately Earn Money From The World Wide Web?

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Can you earn money from the web to help you survive, even prosper, doing so legitimately and without ripping people off or by indulging in illegal activities? The answer is yes, of course, otherwise there wouldn't be much point in writing this article, would there? :-)

Ask yourself, what is your area of expertise? What are you passionate about? What is your work history? What hobby do you have that you already know scads of people are interested in? What can you write pages of information on that really and truly provides valuable information to the people that read it?

Looking for a fast buck, an easy ride to get lots of money from the net? Then please look elsewhere

look for the complete article at Source

every body needs money... ...this is why they call it money !!

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Once i heard this sentence in a movie, i smiled, but i didnt know that its a really fact. i didnt know it untill i lost my job and i needed money.
when i got broken i asked my self:
- how can i get some money ?
- how can build a project or build a website or sell something on the web ?
i really dont have money to pay for web hosting or to get a domain.
i spend hours and days thinking ......
Suddenly, while i was surfing on the internet i noticed some little kids earning from the web !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i asked myself:
- cant i do the same ?
- cant YOU do the same ?
Absolutely YES
if they are kids and they are earning, So we can do too.
but how can we do this ?

i got this formula from a friend:
"If you can read your email = you can earn money from the web"
here in my Blog you will find how i did got alot of money from the web.

What is Domain Parking?

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First lets know what is the domain parking in a general view:

Domain parking is an extremely inexpensive way to secure a domain for later development, redirection of Web traffic, or re-sale. Domain registrants, or sellers, commonly offer domain parking free with domain registration, as there is virtually no cost involved with domain parking.
A parked domain includes one simple page. If the site is intended for development, the page will indicate it is under construction or coming soon. Domain parking can be renewed annually, and there is no deadline as to when a site need be developed. You might find you don’t have time, or you might decide to let the domain expire at the end of the contract, typically one year. In this case, the only investment lost is a few dollars.
If you decide to develop your domain, you will need to pay for hosting services at that point. The right hosting service will provide enough space for your website and any special scripts or services you require. Once the domain is being hosted, it is no longer parked.
Article Source:

Make Money with Domain Parking

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Domain parking is an easy way to invest money while you are sleeping.
Look how is the ease of this kind of investment:
There are many people who want your domain, guess how many times did you tried to register a domain, but unfortunately you have been told "This Domain is already registered".
The first thing come to your mind is "is there is a way to get this domain??"
You would think of buying it
Yes, that is the point, there are many people thinking the same way and they are interested in buying your domain BADLY and they are willing to pay to you.

Start a Domain Parking

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In order to start a domain parking you have to go to one of those parking companies, they offer you registering domains, parking domains and there is another big surprise too "Earn while you are Parking a domain".
Simply they put adds on the first page of your site, now look what they are saying:

Domain Parking
The ads featured on domains parked with Sedo are provided by our advertising partners such as Google. Sedo's self-optimization tools help you ensure that relevant advertisements are displayed on your parked domains. Your earnings per click can range from a few cents per click to several dollars per click, depending on your chosen keyword. Premium domains can earn their owners hundreds of dollars per month and most domains earn enough to cover their annual registration costs.
Article Source: http://www.sedo.com/services/tour_features.php?tracked=&partnerid=&language=us

2- Go Daddy
CashParking is an online domain monetization system that quickly and easily lets you earn money from your existing domain portfolio. Each time someone clicks on advertising that generates revenue on your parked pages, you share in the revenue. CashParking offers the most competitive revenue sharing in the industry and is backed by the world-class customer support you've come to expect from GoDaddy.com.
Article Source: http://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/park/landing.asp?ci=8997

Google AdSense for Domains

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Now you can earn revenue on your parked pages with Google AdSense for domains

Google Adsense for Domains is one such domain parking service to earn money from unused or dormant domains. The service creates a HTML (or XML) webpage filled with pay-per-click ads which is served to the user visiting the parked domain. Since the webpage has only links, there is a good possibility that user will click to navigate - and this user activity translates to revenue since the clicked link is an advertisement.
Article Source: http://labnol.blogspot.com/2005/11/google-adsense-domain-name-parking.html

With AdSense for domains, users can find relevant information rather than see empty pages or "page not found" errors. To ensure positive user experience and the quality of our network, these sites are monitored for policy compliance and prohibited from using text and images designed to confuse users.
Article Source: http://www.google.com/domainpark/

AdSense for search

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See this video ..

its that simple .. that easy .. don't say you can't do it.
Now you can make your own Search Engine

Custom Search Engine

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Steps to make your very own Custom Search Engine (CSE)

Adsense Vedio Units

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Now you can earn easily by adding adsense vedio units to your website


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